4,981 research outputs found

    The Monge problem in Wiener Space

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    We address the Monge problem in the abstract Wiener space and we give an existence result provided both marginal measures are absolutely continuous with respect to the infinite dimensional Gaussian measure {\gamma}

    Mean field limit for Bosons with compact kernels interactions by Wigner measures transportation

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    We consider a class of many-body Hamiltonians composed of a free (kinetic) part and a multi-particle (potential) interaction with a compactness assumption on the latter part. We investigate the mean field limit of such quantum systems following the Wigner measures approach. We prove the propagation of these measures along the flow of a nonlinear (Hartree) field equation. This enhances and complements some previous results in the subject.Comment: 27 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1111.5918 by other author

    Geodesics in the space of measure-preserving maps and plans

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    We study Brenier's variational models for incompressible Euler equations. These models give rise to a relaxation of the Arnold distance in the space of measure-preserving maps and, more generally, measure-preserving plans. We analyze the properties of the relaxed distance, we show a close link between the Lagrangian and the Eulerian model, and we derive necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for minimizers. These conditions take into account a modified Lagrangian induced by the pressure field. Moreover, adapting some ideas of Shnirelman, we show that, even for non-deterministic final conditions, generalized flows can be approximated in energy by flows associated to measure-preserving maps

    On the dynamics of WKB wave functions whose phase are weak KAM solutions of H-J equation

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    In the framework of toroidal Pseudodifferential operators on the flat torus Tn:=(R/2πZ)n\Bbb T^n := (\Bbb R / 2\pi \Bbb Z)^n we begin by proving the closure under composition for the class of Weyl operators Opw(b)\mathrm{Op}^w_\hbar(b) with simbols bSm(Tn×Rn)b \in S^m (\mathbb{T}^n \times \mathbb{R}^n). Subsequently, we consider Opw(H)\mathrm{Op}^w_\hbar(H) when H=12η2+V(x)H=\frac{1}{2} |\eta|^2 + V(x) where VC(Tn;R)V \in C^\infty (\Bbb T^n;\Bbb R) and we exhibit the toroidal version of the equation for the Wigner transform of the solution of the Schr\"odinger equation. Moreover, we prove the convergence (in a weak sense) of the Wigner transform of the solution of the Schr\"odinger equation to the solution of the Liouville equation on Tn×Rn\Bbb T^n \times \Bbb R^n written in the measure sense. These results are applied to the study of some WKB type wave functions in the Sobolev space H1(Tn;C)H^{1} (\mathbb{T}^n; \Bbb C) with phase functions in the class of Lipschitz continuous weak KAM solutions (of positive and negative type) of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation 12P+xv±(P,x)2+V(x)=Hˉ(P)\frac{1}{2} |P+ \nabla_x v_\pm (P,x)|^2 + V(x) = \bar{H}(P) for PZnP \in \ell \Bbb Z^n with >0\ell >0, and to the study of the backward and forward time propagation of the related Wigner measures supported on the graph of P+xv±P+ \nabla_x v_\pm

    A model for the quasi-static growth of brittle fractures based on local minimization

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    We study a variant of the variational model for the quasi-static growth of brittle fractures proposed by Francfort and Marigo. The main feature of our model is that, in the discrete-time formulation, in each step we do not consider absolute minimizers of the energy, but, in a sense, we look for local minimizers which are sufficiently close to the approximate solution obtained in the previous step. This is done by introducing in the variational problem an additional term which penalizes the L2L^2-distance between the approximate solutions at two consecutive times. We study the continuous-time version of this model, obtained by passing to the limit as the time step tends to zero, and show that it satisfies (for almost every time) some minimality conditions which are slightly different from those considered in Francfort and Marigo and in our previous paper, but are still enough to prove (under suitable regularity assumptions on the crack path) that the classical Griffith's criterion holds at the crack tips. We prove also that, if no initial crack is present and if the data of the problem are sufficiently smooth, no crack will develop in this model, provided the penalization term is large enough.Comment: 20 page

    Search for a Lorentz invariance violation contribution in atmospheric neutrino oscillations using MACRO data

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    Neutrino-induced upward-going muons in MACRO have been analysed in terms of relativity principles violating effects, keeping standard mass-induced atmospheric neutrino oscillations as the dominant source of nu_mu -> nu_tau transitions. The data disfavor these exotic possibilities even at a sub-dominant level, and stringent 90% C.L. limits are placed on the Lorentz invariance violation parameter |Delta v| < 6 * 10^(-24) at sin2theta_v = 0 and |Delta v| < 2.5--5 * 10^(-26) at sin2theta_v = +/-1. These limits can also be re-interpreted as upper bounds on the parameters describing violation of the Equivalence Principle.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Physics Letters

    The control of frequency of a conditional oscillator simultaneously subjected to multiple oscillatory inputs

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    A conditional oscillator is one that requires input to oscillate. An example of such is the gastric mill network of the stomatogastric ganglion of the crab Cancer borealis which requires modulatory input from outside the stomatogastric ganglion and fast input from the pyloric network of the animal in order to become active. This dissertation studies how the frequency of the gastric mill network is determined when it is simultaneously subjected to two different rhythmic inputs whose timing may be mismatched. We derive a mathematical model of the gastric mill network and deduce that the difference in timing between the pyloric and modulatory inputs is crucial in determining what effect it will have on the frequency of the gastric mill network. Over a certain range of the time mismatch, the pyloric input plays no role in determining the network frequency, while in another range of the time mismatch, both inputs work together to determine the frequency. The existence and stability of periodic solutions to the modeling set of equations are obtained analytically using geometric singular perturbation theory and an analytic approximation of the frequency is obtained. The results are validated through numerical simulations of the model and are shown to extend to a detailed Hodgkin-Huxley type compartmental model of the gastric mill network. Comparisons to experiments are also presented

    Fokker-Planck type equations with Sobolev diffusion coefficients and BV drift coefficients

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    In this paper we give an affirmative answer to an open question mentioned in [Le Bris and Lions, Comm. Partial Differential Equations 33 (2008), 1272--1317], that is, we prove the well-posedness of the Fokker-Planck type equations with Sobolev diffusion coefficients and BV drift coefficients.Comment: 11 pages. The proof has been modifie

    Perimeter of sublevel sets in infinite dimensional spaces

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    We compare the perimeter measure with the Airault-Malliavin surface measure and we prove that all open convex subsets of abstract Wiener spaces have finite perimeter. By an explicit counter-example, we show that in general this is not true for compact convex domains